Sunday, January 27, 2008

Shipping Costs

I'm the first to say that I think the costs to ship anything is downright mind boggling, in terms of how cheap it is! That we in America can mail most any standard card or letter to anywhere in the country for 41 cents and it takes 1-4 days is absolutely amazing.

What irked me very recently was a promo I got from an internet based company that designs marketing materials and offers tons and tons of their products for free. Once in a blue moon I feel like wasting time and I create and pretend to order everything I can get for free. Yesterday I racked up $50 worth of freebies...mailing labels, note pads, checks, business cards... Then I checked the shipping...$17 and it would arrive mid to late February. My point: these items are not free. Actual shipping will run about 5 bucks, so the other $12 is really what I'm paying for my stuff. 75% off is not too shabby, but it's not free, as advertised.

Always be on the lookout when taking advantage of deals...there is often something that will even everything out...for the merchant!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog, has been a great read! Just thought it may interest you to know, a while back i managed to find a british labels company who printed me some mailing labels for a really low price. If interested then it may be worth taking a look at their website.